

CensusInfo is an innovative and flexible database technology for the dissemination of population and housing census results. The software has been developed by the United Nations Statistics Division, in partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA, to help countries disseminate their census results at any relevant geographical level, on CD-ROM and on the web.



Census indicators organised by sector

Country-specific adaptation for indicator lists

Census data disaggregated by socio-economic characteristics

Sub-national data linked to census maps

Dissemination of census results in galleries of tables, graphs and maps

Deployment on desktops and the web

Multiple language support

Options for handling microdata and indicator data

Standard reports with pre-determined cross-tabulations
at different geographic levels

Depiction of time series data in animated maps

Data exchange with other software applications (CSPro, Redatam)

What's New?

Click here to see what’s new
in the latest CensusInfo release

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Technical Support

Click here for technical support packages designed to help
countries implement CensusInfo


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